
No longer a virgin.

No longer a virgin. 20 Jan 2021 Greetings , With the writing skills of a 2-year old, I greet you all on the web. I hope this will be a learning experience for all of us. On my side I would like to learn how to write better, on your side I hope you will receive with open hearts and minds, the words I wish to share. Why am I doing this? Well to keep it short, we all feel the need to express ourselves in some way. For some even not expressing themselves is a form of expression. In my case, I want to express myself through writing. I am merely a Xhosa man who is just slightly more aware of their surroundings than most people. The blogs I will be publishing will be expressing some of these observations. NB! This Dyan( Xhosa man) is no philosopher, nor is he a scholar of any form. This is my first time writing therefore please proceed with caution ( I don't know why I am warning you).  Outro People are busy so I will try to make these short so that they are quick reads. Please share the